If you aren't exactly sure what I do- I have created a brief summary of what YWAM is.
YWAM stands for Youth With a mission. It is a global movement of Christians whose aim is to know God- and make him Known. Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.
One of the main schools of YWAM is called a Discipleship Training School - this school you must take to take any secondary schools with YWAM or staff. I took this School back in 2019 and you can read my blog on my experience or check out my Youtube channel.
I love working with this organisation because you find a lot of missionary organisations with just the focus of reaching out. YWAM not just has a focus of reaching out and fulfilling the great commission, but it also has a focus on equipping young people to be who God has created them to be.
This is an international, interdenominational organisation which is incredible because we get to be together from different backgrounds. I have learned so much by being put together and working in a place with people from all around the world.
Check this video out